Hi I found this website that you can make clothes design on its not that good but I did make a lot of things! They are mostly slightly Gypsy style based. My Favourite is the light summer dress (the first one) because its elegant but independant looking! My worst is the bright comfy outfit (the fifth one) cos I don't usually wear very bright clothes because of my skin tone it looks tacky. Please post a comment to tell me what you think of them.( if you don't like one please say so but please don't be rude) I think Kate Middleton should were that style wedding dress at the Royal Wedding because its tight, silky and would show off her curves! I also think that style of wedding dress looks best on brunettes (like her)
A light Summer dress |
A teen party outfit |
A breezy Summer dress |
A delicate wedding dress |
A Western style outfit
A gypsy style dress |
A bright, comfy outfit |
I like the Kate Middleton dress the best! But you'd have to beat all the leading designers before she'd wear it! (but you still have a chance) (if she chucks the wedding dress she's already set to wear) BTW love the background