Friday, 31 December 2010

The Poll RESULTS (fave glee character)

Hi I decided I'm always going to have a post after my poll closes to tell you the results. The question was
"Who is your favourite GLEE character?"!!! The people that got votes were Rachel, Sue and Quinn!!!!

Rachel got 20% votes!!!!!!!!!!
Quinn got 60% votes!!!!


Sue got 20% votes!!!!!!!

Wich means ....... Quinn Fabray is officially the most popular character on GLEE!!

Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Have you ever heard of Clueless?
 Its a master movie that girls like
 me (Drama Queens) live for!

Clueless is about a rich, gorgeous 15 year old, Cher.
Cher's dad is a Lawyer and Cher looks up to him.
Unlike her best friend Dionne, Cher doesn't date
High School Boys! Quotes: "I don't know why
Dionne's going out with a High School Boy!
They're like dogs! You have to clean them
and feed them and they're just like these
nervous creatures that jump and slobber
all over you!!!!" Cher
Because of her dad being a Lawyer, Cher
Works hard to get good grades in Debating
class. Quotes: So okay, Like right now, for
example, the Haitians need to come to
America. But some people are all, "What
 about the strain on our resources?"
But its like when I had this Garden Party
for my father's birthday, right? I said 
RSVP because it was a sit down dinner.
But people came that, like, did not RSVP!
So I was like totally bugging! I had to haul ass
to the kitchen, redistribute the food, squish in 
extra place settings! But by the end of the day 
it was like the more the merrier! And so, If the
government could just get to the kitchen, rearrange
some things, we could certainly party with the Haitians!
And in conclusion, may I please remind you that it does
not say "RSVP" on the Statue of Liberty!
Thank you very much! Cher
Sadly, after this "lovely" speech, Cher gets a C !
for a moment, this is wiped out of her mind by the
arrival of her ex-step brother, Josh, (after Cher's mum
 died her dad marries Josh's mum but then Cher's dad
and Josh's Mum get divorced). Cher and Josh aren't
exactly "friends"!!!! Wait!!! When Cher's dad ask about
 her report card, she tells him its not ready yet and
 desperately tries to persuade her debate teacher,
Mr Hall to change her grade but when he refuses she
 tries to set him up with Miss Giest Quotes:"Sure, she
 has runs in her stocking and her slip is always showing and she
 has more lipstick on her teeth than her mouth. God, this
 woman is screaming for a Makeover!I'm her only hope!" Cher
SHOCK HORROR! Cher got a driving ticket and her dad
won't let her drive without a "Supervising Driver" present!!!
She has only one person to turn to......................... JOSH!
Oh well at least Cher gets a new friend Tai Fraser.
At first she is a total FASHION DON'T EVEN 
THINK ABOUT IT!! But with the help of Cher and Dionne, She is RE-INVENTED!
After a car journey with Dionne and her boyfriend, Murray,
She realises just how much she wants a boyfriend of her

Clueless is one of my favourite films!

MORE designs

Ok you know I found a website that you can make clothes on???? Well this one is even better!!! I'll show you what I made

A Cute Little Prom Dress

A Victorian Young Maid's dress

A Posh Victorian "Lady of the Manor" dress

A Teen House Party Outfit

A  Pink Silk Prom Dress

A Victorian style experianced maid

A silky Wedding dress with a light blue sash

Friday, 24 December 2010

Quinn will be a CHEERLEADER

Some of you might already know but QUINN IS GOING TO BE A CHEERLEADER AGAIN! To celebrate this news here is pretty much all my Quinn pics.






Design it

Hi I found this website that you can make clothes design on its not that good but I did make a lot of things! They are mostly slightly Gypsy style based. My Favourite is the light summer dress (the first one) because its elegant but independant looking! My worst is the bright comfy outfit (the fifth one) cos I don't usually wear very bright clothes because of my skin tone it looks tacky. Please post a comment to tell me what you think of them.( if you don't like one please say so but please don't be rude) I think Kate Middleton should were that style wedding dress at the Royal Wedding because its tight, silky and would show off her curves! I also think that style of wedding dress looks best on brunettes (like her)
A light Summer dress

A teen party outfit
A breezy Summer dress
A delicate wedding dress

A Western style outfit

A gypsy style dress
A bright, comfy outfit

Its Xmas eve!

YAY! Its Christmas eve! I'm so excited! (but sad cos its the last day of advent calenders and mine is mega yum) but I'd defo prefer prezzies than chocolate cos they don't make me thirsty! I REALLY want new earrings cos I only have SEVEN pairs and I can't find two of them and one of them I lost one but still had the other one so its kind of only FOUR! And its not fair cos my friend changes them every day and hardly EVER wears the same pair twice unless she loves them! Luckily were having Xmas party at my house tonight and Beth (Valentino Fashion) will  be coming!!!! The sad thing is that the Kittens have to stay in their room (the conservatory) because Mum scared they will hurt themselves in the chaos of having loads of kids round :-(.        Here is a pic of Mika he is older than Luca and is much bigger!
Mar xxx

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Glee Tour UK

Ok, well I have tickets to see Glee live tour next summer and I don't know if they have sold out yet or not but if you like Glee and live in the UK you should definitely chech it out! Also Glee season to will be on e4 in JANUARY!
Wait! I just found out that Glee will be on Monday the 10th of Janurary!

My first post

YAY! I finally have a blog!!! I'm really happy! Cos its almost Xmas I got this pic of me and one of my kittens! I look really bad but Luca (my kitten) looks adorable!BTW I'm not ONLY going to blog about GLEE!